
Le moulin à huile Americo Quattrociocchi est entouré d'oliviers centenaires sur de belles collines, un point de référence pour d'infinies richesses historiques, culturelles et artistiques. Le moulin à huile Americo Quattrociocchi produit au sud de Rome, l'entreprise familiale travaille avec dévouement et sacrifice pour transformer chacun de ses produits en un bijou.

Quattrociocchi family is dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees since 1888, handing down the tradition and passion generation after generation. The farm, still the residence of Quattrociocchi family, is situated among olive trees, not far from the see and about one hour far from Rome in the south. In the wake of the best tradition, Americo Quattrociocchi, grandson of the founder, produces his extravergine olive oil with dedication and high committement promoting it in the best worldwide markets. Quattrociocchi received prestigious awards like the Hercules OLIVARIO, the International Prize BIOL, Der Feinschmecker, the SOL D’ORO
and Best Quality Prize or on top score by the editors of Marco Oreggia's 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Flos Olei guidebook as well being rated a top farm with a score of 100/100 on 2019.

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